
Nested ScheduleConfig

Schedule configuration structure. Can be used to define schedules in profiles and groups.

after-network-onlinetrue / falseDon’t start this schedule when the network is offline (supported in “systemd”)
atone or more stringsSet the times at which the scheduled command is run (times are specified in systemd timer format). Examples: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, 10:00,14:00,18:00,22:00, Wed,Fri 17:48, *-*-15 02:45, Mon..Fri 00:30
capture-environmentone or more stringsRESTIC_*Set names (or glob expressions) of environment variables to capture during schedule creation. The captured environment is applied prior to “profile.env” when running the schedule. Whether capturing is supported depends on the type of scheduler being used (supported in “systemd” and “launchd”)
command-outputstringautoSets the destination for command output (stderr/stdout). “log” sends output to the log file (if specified), “console” sends it to the console instead. “auto” sends it to “both” if console is a terminal otherwise to “log” only - see configuration/logs/. Is one of auto, log, console, all
ignore-on-batterytrue / falsefalseDon’t start this schedule when running on battery
ignore-on-battery-less-thanintegerDon’t start this schedule when running on battery and the state of charge is less than this percentage. Examples: 20, 33, 50, 75
lock-modestringdefaultSpecify how locks are used when running on schedule - see schedules/configuration/. Is one of default, fail, ignore
lock-waitinteger OR durationSet the maximum time to wait for acquiring locks when running on schedule. Examples: 150s, 15m, 30m, 45m, 1h, 2h30m
logstringRedirect the output into a log file or to syslog when running on schedule - see configuration/logs/. Examples: /resticprofile.log, syslog-tcp://syslog-server:514, syslog:server, syslog:
permissionstringautoSpecify whether the schedule runs with system or user privileges - see schedules/configuration/. Is one of auto, system, user, user_logged_on
prioritystringbackgroundSet the priority at which the schedule is run. Is one of background, standard
systemd-drop-in-filesone or more stringsFiles containing systemd drop-in (override) files - see schedules/systemd/