
How paths inside the configuration are resolved

All file paths in the configuration are resolved relative to the configuration path, the path where the main configuration file was loaded from.

The big exceptions are source in the backup section, status-file, prometheus-save-to-file and the restic repository (if it is a file). These paths are taken as specified, which means they are resolved from the current working directory where you started resticprofile from.

You can influence this behaviour with profile flag base-dir. It allows to set the working directory that resticprofile will change into so that profiles do no longer depend on the path where you started resticprofile from.

For the following configuration example, when assuming it is stored in /opt/resticprofile/profiles.* and resticprofile is started from /home/user/, the individual paths are resolved to:

  • repository: local:/home/user/backup
  • password-file: /opt/resticprofile/password.txt
  • backup.source: /home/user/files
# indentation is not needed but it makes it easier to read ;)
version = "1"

  base-dir = ""
  repository = "local:backup"
  password-file = "password.txt"

    source-base = ""
    source = [ "files" ]
version: "1"

  base-dir: ""
  repository: "local:backup"
  password-file: "password.txt"

    source-base: ""
    - "files"
default {
    base-dir = ""
    repository = "local:backup"
    password-file = "password.txt"

    backup = {
        source-base = ""
        source = [ "files" ]
  "version": "1",
  "default": {
    "base-dir": "",
    "repository": "local:backup",
    "password-file": "password.txt",
    "backup": {
      "source-base": "",
      "source": [

Set base-dir to an absolute path to resolve files and local:backup relative to it. Set source-base if you need a separate base path for backup sources. When you want to use relative source paths for backup, set the source-relative option. This will change the working directory of the restic backup command to source-base and will not expand source to an absolute path.

How the configuration file is resolved

The default name for the configuration file is profiles, without an extension. You can change the name and its path with the --config or -c option on the command line. You can set a specific extension -c profiles.conf to load a TOML format file. If you set a filename with no extension instead, resticprofile will load the first file it finds with any of these extensions:

  • .conf (toml format)
  • .yaml
  • .toml
  • .json
  • .hcl

macOS X

resticprofile will search for your configuration file in these folders:

  • current directory
  • ~/Library/Preferences/resticprofile/
  • /Library/Preferences/resticprofile/
  • /usr/local/etc/
  • /usr/local/etc/restic/
  • /usr/local/etc/resticprofile/
  • /etc/
  • /etc/restic/
  • /etc/resticprofile/
  • /opt/local/etc/
  • /opt/local/etc/restic/
  • /opt/local/etc/resticprofile/
  • ~/ ($HOME directory)

Other unixes (Linux and BSD)

resticprofile will search for your configuration file in these folders:

  • current directory
  • ~/.config/resticprofile/
  • /etc/xdg/resticprofile/
  • /usr/local/etc/
  • /usr/local/etc/restic/
  • /usr/local/etc/resticprofile/
  • /etc/
  • /etc/restic/
  • /etc/resticprofile/
  • /opt/local/etc/
  • /opt/local/etc/restic/
  • /opt/local/etc/resticprofile/
  • ~/ ($HOME directory)


resticprofile will search for your configuration file in these folders:

  • current directory
  • %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\
  • c:\ProgramData\
  • c:\restic\
  • c:\resticprofile\