
By default resticprofile will display all logs (from itself and restic) to the console.

You can redirect the logs to a local file, a temporary file or a syslog server.


The log destination syntax is a such:

  • - redirects all the logs to the console / stdout (is the default log destination)
  • filename redirects all the logs to the local file called filename
  • temp:filename redirects all the logs to a temporary file available during the whole session, and deleted afterwards.
  • tcp://syslog_server:514 or udp://syslog_server:514 redirects all the logs to the syslog server.

If the location cannot be opened, resticprofile will default to send the logs to the console.


You can adjust the default log destination in the global section:

version = "1"

log = "resticprofile.log"
version: "1"

  log: "resticprofile.log"
"global" {
  "log" = "resticprofile.log"
  "version": "1",
  "global": {
    "log": "resticprofile.log"

Command line

You can redirect the logs on the command line with the --log flag:

resticprofile --log backup.log backup

On a schedule

You can keep the logs displayed on the console when you run resticprofile commands manually, but send the logs somewhere else when resticprofile is started from a schedule.

version = "1"

    schedule = "*:00,30"
    schedule-priority = "background"
    schedule-log = "profile-backup.log"
version: "1"

    schedule: '*:00,30'
    schedule-priority: background
    schedule-log: profile-backup.log
"profile" "backup" {
  "schedule" = "*:00,30"
  "schedule-priority" = "background"
  "schedule-log" = "profile-backup.log"
  "version": "1",
  "profile": {
    "backup": {
      "schedule": "*:00,30",
      "schedule-priority": "background",
      "schedule-log": "profile-backup.log"

Send logs to a temporary file

This can be done by using the template function tempFile.

This is to cover a special case when you want to upload the logs one by one to a remote location in a run-finally or a run-after-fail target.

version = "1"

    verbose = true
    no-error-on-warning = true
    source = "{{ .CurrentDir }}"
    schedule = "*:44"
    schedule-log = '{{ tempFile "backup.log" }}'
    run-finally = 'cp {{ tempFile "backup.log" }} /logs/backup{{ .Now.Format "2006-01-02T15-04-05" }}.log'
version: "1"

    verbose: true
    no-error-on-warning: true
    source: "{{ .CurrentDir }}"
      - "*:44"
    schedule-log: '{{ tempFile "backup.log" }}'
    run-finally: 'cp {{ tempFile "backup.log" }} /logs/backup{{ .Now.Format "2006-01-02T15-04-05" }}.log'
"profile" "backup" {
  "verbose" = true
  "no-error-on-warning" = true
  "source" = "{{ .CurrentDir }}"
  "schedule" = "*:44"
  "schedule-log" = "{{ tempFile "backup.log" }}"
  "run-finally" = "cp {{ tempFile "backup.log" }} /logs/backup{{ .Now.Format "2006-01-02T15-04-05" }}.log"
  "version": "1",
  "profile": {
    "backup": {
      "verbose": true,
      "no-error-on-warning": true,
      "source": "{{ .CurrentDir }}",
      "schedule": "*:44",
      "schedule-log": "{{ tempFile "backup.log" }}",
      "run-finally": "cp {{ tempFile "backup.log" }} /logs/backup{{ .Now.Format "2006-01-02T15-04-05" }}.log"